Outpatient service #
Arrival of patients #
Upon arrival, patients may check in at the reception desk or use self-service kiosks. The check-in process typically includes patient identification, verification of scheduled appointments, and confirmation of personal and insurance details. Some systems may also involve completing pre-visit questionnaires or consent forms.
Service process #
Patients enter the service process, which includes: waiting area amangement, queue management, interaction management, care path automation.
Queuing process #
To minimize wait times and ensure that patients move efficiently through the various stages of their visit. This may include: chek-in, waiting area management, queue management for services.
Reevaluation and follow-up #
Patients may be reevaluated after initial tests or consultations, and follow-up appointments or additional services may be scheduled as necessary.
Post-visit #
After the visit, patients may receive appointment reminders, notifications, or requests for feedback. This engagement is part of the ongoing care and quality improvement efforts.
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